Are original cartridges better and why they are more expensive

ite, which will itself inform us whether everything is okay in technical matters (formats, colors, size, etc.). However, not all printers have the option of ordering directly through their website, and this error and the backgr

Are original cartridges better and why they are more expensive

Printing via the Internet - simply, quickly and usually cheaper ...

Internet printers grow like mushrooms after rain - no wonder, because the vision of sending files by the site, which will itself inform us whether everything is okay in technical matters (formats, colors, size, etc.).

However, not all printers have the option of ordering directly through their website, and this error and the background of competitors fall short, badly. However, the price you have to pay for the possibility of online orders can be deterred by smaller printing houses and printing plants from such an investment.

We print, print!

The printing era has been pretty good since Gutenberg. First, important things were printed like books. But these are REALLY important, not some literature for the mob. Well, because the mob was quite illiterate at the time. Then also such fiction was printed, meaning for the reading of the book. Well, since the last 50 years (even hundreds of them), it's all about printing - books, leaflets, business cards, even shirts, mugs, pens ... Well, really everything. Because you need to build brand awareness at the customer, i.e. printing and marketing is an inseparable couple. Because you can print everything on your T-shirt and have it originally. Well, who would prohibit the rich?

Sale of company printers

Currently, sets of printing devices are very popular among people setting up photocopying points. This is because such sets include not only the printers themselves, but also photocopying paper and additional printing accessories that can be used in everyday work while making prints. Such original printing devices can successfully reach companies and offices as well as universities. They are also bought by those private individuals who know well that they will have to make a large number of different types of printouts that are not only used at home. The devices ordered by them can be connected by specialists.